
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Biofuel: Nani afaidika, Soma hapa Oxfam wanavyosema

There's a debate raging at The Telegraph about the value and harm of using biofuel - prompted by Oxfam's new report noting that drivers will pay an extra £35 a year because of rising biofuel costs.
The report shows that the EU target of supplying 10% of transport fuel in Britain from biofuels is causing hunger in the developing world - as the demand for the biodiesel means farmers grow maize for make fuel for cars rather than feeding people.
"If the land used to produce biofuels for the EU in 2008 had been used to produce wheat and maize instead, it could have fed 127 million people for the entire year," says the report.
"It is completely unacceptable that we are burning food in our petrol tanks while poor families go hungry. EU governments have it within their power to make a difference to the lives of millions of hungry people. It's time to scrap EU biofuel mandates."
What do you think about biofuels?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mnaotumiwa SMS za Cosmic Rays from Mars, soma hapa

Nimetumiwa hiyo TXT mara tatu, ya kuzima simu sababu ya COSMO RAYS,  mara ya tatu sikuzima kwani nilikuwa na kazi muhimu na simu hiyo. Baada ya usiku huo kupita nikaamua kutafuta UKWELI wa fizikia  kuhusu hizi 'Cosmic Rays' au Cosmo wengine wanavoandika. 
Baada ya kusoma niligundua yafuatayo;

  •  Source kuu ya Cosmo kwenye mfumo wa jua na sayari zake ni jua lenyewe na nyota zingine
  • Cosmo ni moja kati ya rays ambazo zinaathiri Ozone (Ozone layer depletion) kwa kifupi uwepo wake unahusishwa na mabadiliko ya tabia ya nchi.
  • Miale ya Cosmo inaongezeka unapopanda katoka usawa wa bahari. kwenda juu, kwahiyo watu wa milimani wanafikiwa na miale hii zaidi
  • Athari za miale hii kwa electonic imeonekana ni kwa vifaa vya kutunza data za computer na vifaa vya ndege na satellite wala sio simu au TV au Redio.
  • Hakuna sehemu nilipoona kuwa Mars inatoa miale hiyo kuja dunian.
  • NASA wanasema, Cosmo zimeongezeka katutokana na kulegea kwa magnetic field ya jua.
Kwa maoni yangu; Kama hizo rays zinatokea huo muda, safari za ndege zingekuwa zinasitishwa na website zote wangekuwa wanafunga mitambo yao kwa muda huo.
Pia nadhani kama watunzi wa hizo SMS wana mpango wa kuendelea, watume message za kututahadharisha kuzima compyuta na sio simu.
Kama unasubiri simu muhimu, usitishwe na SMS ambazo hazina ushahidi.
Lakini pia tumia simu yako kwa busara kuepuka kupata athari za Radio waves
Maelezo zaidi tembelea:NASA  Wikipedia

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mama Misitu Campaign is Officially Launched!

The Mama Misitu Campaign was officially launched on July 31st in Dar es Salaam.   The launch was a success and brought together various stakeholders, including the Regional Commissioner for the Coast, representatives from the Finnish and Norwegian Embassies, government institutions and civil society organizations.  Among the participants were community representatives from Kilwa and Rufiji who spoke about the importance of forests to local communities and how Mama Misitu can play an important role in raising awareness.

Learn more about the event and the Mama Misitu Campaign at http://www.tnrf.org

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